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  《羊脂球》是有“短篇小说大师”之称的法国作 家莫泊桑先生创作的小说。《羊脂球》是他的成名作,也是他的代表作之一。故事以羊脂球的悲惨遭遇反衬了资本主义下的丑恶肮脏的灵魂。






  于是羊脂球答应了。他们大声欢呼,兴高采烈地吃上一顿大餐,但是他们讨论的话题是什么?!“他偏着耳朵一面用双手教人不要响动,双眼望着天花板重新再来静听,末后他用自自然然的声音变道:‘请各位放心,一切都顺利。’” “有时候人都不再去想这件事,他就用一道颤抖的声音接连好些次说道:‘够了!够了!’”这群把羊脂球推入火坑的有钱人,他们完全没有一丝愧疚、同情地在玩低级趣味的游戏,天哪!

  更可恶的是,在第二天启程的时候,“她胆怯地向她的旅伴们走过来,旅伴们却在同一动作之下把身子偏向另一面,如同都没有望见她似的。” “大家都像是忙碌的,而且离开她远远站着,仿佛她的裙子里带来了一种肮脏。”在车上,大家都好像是不认识她一样,“鸟夫人远远地用怒眼望着她,同时用低声向她丈夫说:‘幸而我不同她坐在一条长凳上。’”马车里没有一个人望她,没有一个人和她交谈,好像看不见她一样。吃饭的时候,大家都从旅馆里拿了丰盛的吃食,羊脂球急急忙忙地出来来不及带什么,可没有一个人惦记她。“开初,一阵骚动的暴怒使得她肌肉痉挛,她张开了嘴预备把一阵升到嘴边的辱骂去斥责他们的行为,不过因为愤怒扼住了嗓子,她简直不能够说话。”当初,在需要羊脂球的帮助才能脱离德国军官的扣留时,他们牺牲了她,在她没有利用价值以后又把她当作一件肮脏的废物似的扔掉。(www.lzdaxue.com)他们这些贵族的丑恶嘴脸暴露无遗。




  Guy de Maupassant(1850——1893), one of the greatest critical realist writers in the world, is considered as one of three “kings of world short story”。 Maupassant created six novels and 359 medium forms during his brief lifetime, engendering a momentous effect on the later literature. And it’s his maiden work, Suet Ball that won him world-wide prestige.

  In1870, with the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, the real-based story Suet Ball happened. The heroine of the story is a humble harlot called Suet Ball. With a group of French residents of Rouen, recently occupied by the Prussian army, the 11 travelers are on their way fleeing to Le Havre in a stagecoach. In virtue of the appalling weather, the stagecoach moves rather slowly and has just covered a few miles by midday. Initially, those occupants snub Suet Ball whereas their attitudes alters with the emergence of a basket filled with scrumptious food and she caters for those hungry travelers selflessly.

  The carriage doesn’t stop until they blunders into a Prussian-held territory called T?tes. A Prussian officer detains the coach with no definite reasons. In the next two days, the occupants wait with barely concealed impatience and eventually Suet Ball tells that they will be detained perpetually unless she approves of sleeping with the officer. Out of her patriotism, Suet Ball gives him a point-blank refusal. As it should be, those travelers behave furiously to the officer's arrogance while during the next two days, they exemplify logic and morality in diverse ways to convince Suet Ball of its validity. What a kind-hearted girl! Finally Suet Ball gives up and sacrifices her body for everyone’s freedom.

  The next morning, they are permitted to leave. But those 'representatives of Virtue' totally neglect Suet Ball, casting scathing sights on the poor young woman while even disdaining talking to her and rejecting sharing their food with her in the same way that she did at the beginning. From their perspectives, Suet Ball turns out to be no more utilizable and should be condemned for her “ashamed” conduct. As the stagecoach travels deeper into the night, she seethes with rage against those hypocrites, and ultimately weeps for her lost dignity.

  In this story, Maupassant highlighted the intense comparison between Suet Ball and the so-called nobles. Rapacity, hypocrisy, sexuality and nobility intertwine in the spotlight,eulogizing the underclass’ patriotism and lampooning the sham of the aristocracy. Maupassant portrays the inhabitants of the stagecoach in varied disparaging ways. The most luminous character belongs to the two nuns. At first they are portrayed as tranquil and subservient to Lord and demonstrate their fiery patriotic desire to dedicate to their motherland rather than a sordid intention like the other passengers: the nuns profess to haste to a military hospital to heal the wounded French soldiers, hence presenting the argument towards instigating Suet Ball to abandon her resistance. How absurd it is! Nuns are supposed to take strait vows and treat others benevolently. They fill Suet Ball's head with arguments, arguing that it is not morally wrong to sleep with the officer in order to let the travelers leave, and that the longer she waits, the more young French soldiers will die as the nuns are not there to look after them. Superficially, they claim that it is for the good of the country but indeed they’re just taking advantage of her. Suet Ball's resistance to the officer's sexual advances again indicate her patriotism. Cruel wars have stripped all the external stuffs. In contrast to all of these is Suet Ball, a prostitute, revealed to be the most fiercely patriotic, virtuous, and morally admirable character, which Maupassant contrasts with the hypocrisy and snobbery of the others.

  It is arguably Maupassant’s most famous short story. The carriage constitutes a microcosm of French society as a whole. And the narrative techniques of this story are rather sophisticated and carefully conceived. On balance, a real noble person like Suet Ball can’t be judged by the appearance or the occupation, his/ her moral quality will glitter when confronting the real ordeal. Consequently, I deem that Suet Ball is worth reading lingeringly, savoring every word.

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